Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Banana Wine

After the success of the banana wine I made a couple of years back, I have decided it's time I make some more.

The initial recipe called for 4lb of bananas which I purchased, but then ate a pound of them.  So, I have decided to make up my own recipe.

3lb bananas (plus half a pound of skins)
1lb wheat (it needs using up as it's been in the cupboard for a few years)
1/2lb sultanas
2 1/2lb sugar
2 teaspoons lemon juice
yeast nutrient

Boil up the sliced bananas and skins for about 20 minutes.  Strain onto the sugar and minced sultanas and add the wheat (which should ideally be soaked overnight and minced).  Bung all the other ingredients in and ad the yeast and nutrient.

Boiling the bananas

Soaking the wheat

I didn't plan this ahead so I will have to add the wheat tomorrow as it is still soaking. 

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