(approx 20p per bottle)
Yesterday, I was kindly given some Rhubarb.
Yesterday, I was kindly given some Rhubarb.
After weighing it, I discovered there was 30lb of Rhubarb, which is enough to make 10 gallons of wine.
Although I am making 2 x 5 gallon batches, the method is the same as for making 1 gallon.
The basic recipe is 3lb of Rhubarb & 3lb of sugar per gallon, water, yeast & yeast nutrient.
Sterilise a fermenting bucket, rinsing thoroughly.
Wipe the Rhubarb, or rinse it under the tap.
Cut or slice the sticks into smallish chunks and put them in the fermenting bin.
Cover with all the sugar and leave for 24 hours.
It's worth getting your (clean) hand in and making sure all the sugar is off the sides of the bin and there are no lumps underneath the Rhubarb.
Give it all a quick mush round and leave for a few hours longer if necessary.
Once all the sugar has dissolved, strain off the juice into (sterilised) demijohns or a larger fermenting vessel, depending on what volume you have made. You don't actually have to strain the juice, just try not to let any Rhubarb into the fermentation vessel.
Once all the juice is strained off, add some water to the Rhubarb , swill it round and strain again. Do this until you have filled your fermentation vessel with the desired amount.
Add all purpose wine yeast and nutrient to a small amount of lukewarm water, and leave for a few minutes to rehydrate. Add this to the juice and stir.
After about 3 months, the wine will have finished fermenting.
At this stage it should be racked off into a fresh vessel, and again a couple of months later once clear.
It can then be bottled. It will be ready to drink when 9 months old but will improve if kept for a year or so.